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Cleaning and removing soiling of the sole

1 990₽

Чуть не забыли!

Что будет сделано:

Чистка подошвы со всех сторон

Чистка подошвы
Чистка подошвы
Чистка подошвы



на первый


при сдаче от двух
пар обуви и далее

Постоянные скидки не суммируются друг с другом и с другими акциями по программе лояльности.

Бесплатный курьер заберёт и привезёт обратно вашу обувь

Бесплатная доставка

заберем и привезем обувь в пределах МКАД

Точно в срок

работа занимает от 1 до 5 дней

Reasonable prices

самые низкие цены в Москве
(комплекс глубокой чистки от 500₽)

Additional services

for shoes


Доставка за МКАД


Экспресс-чистка за 1-2 дня


Пропитка от влаги


Отбеливание подошвы


Отвечаем на вопросы

For a “fake call” a fine of 500 rubles will be charged. “False call” refers to the situation when you called our courier, but when he arrived, you refused to give him shoes, regardless of the reason.

By calling our courier, you agree to these terms.

We clean shoes from two to four days. You can also order express cleaning for an additional fee.

Delivery terms

Delivery of the order is from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 20:00.

Delivery of the order is carried out by the number that you determine with the operator when confirming the order.

In case of the Customer’s refusal of the service, the full cost of the delivery made in the amount of 500 rubles is paid.

If it is impossible to contact the Customer to confirm the order, during the delivery of the service, the Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally cancel the order.

Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road

Free courier delivery is available from 11:00 to 20:00 hours, from Monday to Saturday. Free courier delivery applies to orders with a minimum amount of services from 1000 rubles, otherwise, the cost of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road is 200 rubles.

Free courier delivery applies to orders only within the Moscow Ring Road.

Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road

Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road within 10 km, is carried out from 11:00 to 20:00 hours, from Monday to Saturday.

Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is carried out only in the nearest 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The cost of delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road within 10 km is 500 rubles, the cost of delivery is paid regardless of the purchase amount.

In case of the Customer’s refusal of the service, the full cost of the delivery made outside the Moscow Ring Road in the amount of 500 rubles is paid.

Consultations on delivery or order are made from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 20:00 by phone: +7 (499) 385-49-38, +7 (999) 994-61-73, mail: and instagram: @

Yes, you can see this with an example. hundreds of our satisfied customers.

Not. We specialize only in dry cleaning shoes.